Power Generation
Guam’s quality of life and economy depends on reliable power.

Guam’s quality of life and economy depends on safe drinking water.

Renewables are important to Guam’s sustainability

A drink of water can quench your thirst. A frolic in water can quench your spirit.

CCU Standing Rules
Watch CCU meetings live streaming below
The Consolidated Commission on Utilities announces that you can now watch the CCU Meetings and GPA / GWA Work Sessions “Live” by clicking on the CCU YouTube Channel link provided here. Meetings @ 5:30 p.m. and Work Sessions at 8:30 a.m., are recorded “Live” on the dates below.
Click on the link below to access the CCU YouTube channel.
Having trouble viewing the livestream on YouTube? Try our dedicated CCU livestream channel here.
GWA Mission Statement
We will provide outstanding customer service by delivering excellent water and wastewater services in a safe, reliable, responsible, and cost-effective manner.
GPA Mission Statement
GPA SHALL provide
R eliable
E³ fficient, Effective, Environmentally Sound A² ffordable, Accountable L eading Energy Solutions
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Art Catalog

The utility building located in Fadian Mangilao is the number one arts in public places display of any GovGuam building. The theme throughout the art work is: sun, wind, water, environment. We hope you enjoy this art catalog developed for the people of Guam. Download catalog…
Your Elected CCU